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Withdrawal From Representation Requiring Court Approval; Withdrawal Conditioned on Disclosure of Client’s Whereabouts

审裁处的规则在何处规定靠谱的滚球平台在退出辩护前须取得审裁处的许可, the 职业行为准则 also require the lawyer to seek such approval. 退席靠谱的滚球平台仅仅通知当事人他或她的案件即将进行的诉讼程序并建议当事人寻找新的靠谱的滚球平台是不够的.

在什么情况下,只有靠谱的滚球平台披露了客户的机密资料,移民法庭才会给予无条件的撤回许可, the lawyer may 不 disclose the information without client consent. 而, the lawyer must remain in the case for acceptance of service on behalf of his client.


  • 规则1.6(信息保密)
  • 规则1.16 (Declining or Terminating Representation)
  • 规则3.4(c) (Obligation to Obey Tribunal 规则)


In 1986, 移民归化局(INS)颁布了一些规定,要求靠谱的滚球平台在寻求退出案件时获得移民法官的许可. 在规则改变之前, 询问者报告, 一些靠谱的滚球平台没有提交撤回通知,因为他们认为这些通知可能会引发安排听证会, a result usually 不 desired by clients in deportation proceedings.

询问者问道,如果一名靠谱的滚球平台在不再代表委托人,但在正式退出靠谱的滚球平台身份之前收到听证通知,他将承担哪些道德义务. 询问者首先询问靠谱的滚球平台是否必须向移民法院申请离开,或者在通知客户听证会通知和日期并建议客户寻找新的靠谱的滚球平台后,他对前客户的义务是否已解除. 询问者也问是否, in seeking to withdraw from a representation, 靠谱的滚球平台必须遵守移民上诉委员会的裁决,即靠谱的滚球平台必须向移民法官提供客户的最后已知地址,才能无条件地获得撤回许可.

罗萨莱斯事项, Bd. 入境处App. 临时决定编号. 4月21日, 1988), 阐明在移民法庭准许撤回代理的动议的要求. 罗萨莱斯 认为靠谱的滚球平台, 当寻求退出时, must provide the court with the client’s “last known address, assuming it is more current than any address previously provided to the immigration judge.” The lawyer also must show that he attempted to advise his client, 客户最后的地址, 关于预定听证会. Provided both of these requirements are met, the lawyer’s motion to withdraw will be unconditionally granted. If, 然而, the lawyer fails to provide the requisite information, 在靠谱的滚球平台继续负责接受服务的条件下,靠谱的滚球平台的回避将被批准.


询问者不清楚他是否打算按照移民局的规定提交撤回通知. For purposes of this opinion, we assume that the inquirer intends  to file a 不ice of withdrawal out of concern that the 不ice would trigger a hearing. 因此, 问题是,如果靠谱的滚球平台没有按照机构或法院规则的要求提交退出通知,是否违反了《靠谱的足球滚球平台》.

规则1.16, Declining or Terminating Representation, 规定靠谱的滚球平台被要求或被允许退出代理的依据,并责成靠谱的滚球平台, whenever a representation is terminated, to take various steps “to protect [the] client’s interests.1

The rule also obligates a lawyer to continue to represent a client if so ordered by the tribunal. 因此,(c)款规定:

当法庭命令这样做时, 尽管有正当理由终止代理,靠谱的滚球平台仍应继续代理.

规则1.第16条是前哥伦比亚特区职业责任守则纪律规则(DR) 2-110的对应条款, 离职. DR 2-110(A)特别规定:

If permission for withdrawal from employment is required by the rules of a tribunal, 未经法庭许可,靠谱的滚球平台不得在法庭进行的诉讼中回避受雇.

而规则1的语言.16(c) is less direct than that of former DR 2-110(A), it is clear that 规则1.第16(c)款还打算规定,在法庭规则有此要求时,必须从法庭取得回避许可:

【规则1.第16(c)条]允许法院规则, 在很多情况下, condition withdrawal by any counsel of record on court approval. 《靠谱的足球滚球平台》的前身DR 2-110 (A)(1)明确将法院批准的条件与法庭规则的存在联系起来. (引用省略.)

注释, ABA Model 职业行为准则, 276(2版). 1992).

因此,我们得出结论,规则1.第16(c)款规定,如果法庭的规则要求靠谱的滚球平台回避,靠谱的滚球平台必须寻求许可.2 仅仅通知前当事人即将举行的听证会日期并建议他或她物色新的靠谱的滚球平台是不够的. Whenever a representation has terminated and approval to withdraw is required, 靠谱的滚球平台的义务直到他或她获得法庭的这种许可才解除. 参见In re McKennett, 349 N.W.2d 29 (N.D. 1984) (不ification of client and opposing counsel regarding withdrawal insufficient; local rules required lawyer to 不ify court as well); 与科恩相比, 731 P.2d 1028(或. 1987)(靠谱的滚球平台未能寻求许可并不违反道德,因为遗嘱认证法庭的规则不要求撤回许可).

当事人可能因其靠谱的滚球平台遵守法庭规则而受到伤害的风险不在考虑范围之内. 看到 规则3.4(c)(靠谱的滚球平台不得“明知不遵守法庭规则规定的义务,除非声称不存在有效义务”). 无论如何, where a lawyer does 不 know the location of his or her client, 客户不应该受到伤害,如果, when the lawyer seeks leave to withdraw, the immigration judge asks the withdrawing lawyer for the client’s location. 靠谱的滚球平台可以诚实地回答“不”.”

The more difficult issue arises when the lawyer knows the client’s whereabouts. Information regarding the client’s location may, 在某些情况下, 被保护作为一个信心和意愿, 在很多情况下, 在规则1下作为秘密受到保护.6(b).3 While “confidence” is defined by the more narrow attorney-client privilege, “秘密”被赋予了更广泛的含义,包括所有“在专业关系中获得的其他信息” . . . the disclosure of which would be embarrassing, or would be likely to be detrimental, 致客户端.(加重语气). In the context of a deportation proceeding, 在当局不知道当事人下落的情况下不能执行驱逐令的, 委托人的靠谱的滚球平台如果透露委托人最后已知的地址或在哪里可以找到委托人,显然会对委托人造成损害.

在这方面,裁决在 罗萨莱斯上, does 不, in and of itself, force a lawyer to reveal his client’s last known address. 而, 它给予寻求退出代理的靠谱的滚球平台一个选择:(1)无条件退出, the lawyer must disclose the client’s last known address; or (2) if the lawyer does 不 provide this information, the withdrawal will be granted only conditionally, i.e., the lawyer must continue to accept service on his client’s behalf.

Given this choice, we believe that the lawyer would violate 规则1.6(a)(1) if he revealed his client’s whereabouts without the client’s consent. A lawyer in this position is limited to seeking conditional withdrawal, which does 不 require disclosure of a client confidence or secret.

调查没有. 87-9-49


1. These steps include giving reasonable 不ice 致客户端, allowing time for employment of other counsel, surrendering papers and property to which the client is entitled, and refunding any advance payment of fee that has 不 been earned. 规则1.16(d).
2. 规则1.16(c)不限于法庭案件. The rule also applies to administration agency proceedings. 看到克.C. 小风险,. & W.W. 霍兹,《靠谱的滚球平台法》第1节.16:41, at 484(1996增刊.),引自注解,上,第275页.
3. 规则1.6 .有关部分:
  (a) except when permitted under paragraph (c) or (d), a lawyer shall 不 knowingly:
    (1) reveal a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client; . . . .
  (b)“保密”是指根据适用法律受靠谱的滚球平台-当事人保密特权保护的信息, “秘密”指的是在专业关系中获得的客户要求保密的其他信息, or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing, 或者可能是有害的, 致客户端. . .
  (d) A lawyer may use or reveal client confidences or secrets:
    (2)(A)(1) When permitted by these rules or required by law or court order; . . .
